
How we help Healthcare businesses:

Effective care home cleaning supplies, and supplies for those who provide care, have become more important than ever in recent times. The idea of ‘care’ is at the core of all we do at Enviroclean, so working with businesses from this sector is important to us. Companies who provide care benefit from working with Enviroclean thanks to the flexible ordering methods available, competitive pricing, reliability and EHO approval. Supplying healthcare organisations with PPE, gloves, sanitising gels, aprons, disposables and a full range of care cleaning supplies, we’re committed to being there to support workers in the care industry.

The role of these workers cannot be taken for granted. We feel strongly about playing our part, by providing the support and products they need to be able to do their jobs, whilst they concentrate on providing the vital support they do to those most vulnerable. Browse our products below, or get in touch today to discuss how we can help your care business to do its job as effectively as possible.